Hi! My name is David Khachaturov - I’m a 25 year-old Russian-Armenian computer science PhD student at Cambridge. I enjoy making use of all opportunities that are thrown at me. When there are none - I actively seeking out new ones!
Feel free to get in touch to talk about anything interesting - be that potential collaboration on projects, or to just discuss something.
- Post-graduate student doing a PhD in Computer Science at Downing College, University of Cambridge.
- Department page link
- Running a video game publishing and porting company called mazette! since 2021
- Academic interests:
- Security, Adversarial ML, Data Science
- Fintech, Economics
- Psychology, Sociology
- Twitter link (mainly mazette! tweets)
- GitHub link
- CV link
- Google Scholar link
- University societies:
- JCR Computing Officer for Churchill College’s JCR for 2 years (‘19-21)
- Events Officer of the Cambridge University Russian Society for a year or so (~’19), de facto president ‘23
- I enjoy rowing, and used to be part of Churchill College Boat Club (M3 ‘18-19, M2 ‘19-20, M1 ‘20-21, sub ‘22-), Wolfson College Boat Club (M1/2 ‘21-22, Oxon), and City of Cambridge Rowing Club briefly during the pandemic to scull.
- Cambridge University Clay Pigeon Shooting Club (General men’s squad ‘22-23, President and men’s B squad ‘23-24)
- Cambridge University Polo Club (Treasurer ‘23-24)
- Cambridge Caledonian Society (Secretary ‘23-24, Practice Manager ‘24-25)
- The Countrymen (President ‘22-24)
- Cambridge University Shooting and Conservation Association (Co-Founder and Co-President ‘24-25)
- Random: